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  • Manny IK

Infinity Kingdom | Riddle Event

Hello there, Manny here! Today in Server 31 i'm hosting a Riddle Event , sponsored by IK!

This post will have 5 Trials (5 texts).

Each Trial refers to an Immortal in IK and at the end of each trial there is a question.

The question can be about the Immortal or something related to the Immortal itself.

For the Server 31 people participating, here are the rules: 1) Players must "decode" the Trial and DM answers to Manny Nox 2) First 5 players to get the 5 answers right get one prize each

3) All answers are in game but google can be your friend :)

4) Each 5 minutes that pass I will give a clue on a random Trial 5) 1 player = 1 prize 6) Prize = 1 redeem code gift (1 space portal + 3 red stones)

7) Event Maximum Duration = 30 minutes** **after 30 minutes the prizes go to the 5 players who guessed more answers right and in the fastest time For the people reading this outside of Server 31, leave your answers in the comments and I will tell you if you answer is right or not :)


Trial 1:

The last ruler of the Ptolemaic dynasty,

Walked on the Golden sands so delightfully.

A failure to hard to cope, led them in a slippery slope.

With two sharp, dripping fangs of destiny a second life was taken.

And so, our brave Immortal was gone but never forgotten.

Who am I?

Trial 2:

Named to protect mankind,

But with such a craving for conquering and war.

There was no military equal mind.

The lands he conquered to this day hear his roar.

Who was my Educator?

Trial 3:

I sit at a table without corners,

I left my island to expand to new borders.

My sword name was set in stone,

And stories say I will, one day, go back home.

What is the name of my Advisor?

Trial 4:

Visited by angels and given a mission,

this saint was now filled with war ambition.

To great victory our hero flown,

helping the well served king to the throne.

Such a tragic fate for a spiritual leader,

to be used as a fire feeder.

Who am I?

Trial 5:

I’m not Newton, but we share the same fruit taste.

Tax-free capes never looked so good in green!

Splitting things in half is my party trick,

But I cannot do it with a brick!

Who am I? Time starts now!! Good luck :)

I'd like to thank my test subjects:

JoJo who went 5/5!

Yeon who went 2/5!

Rezixx who went 0/5!

Happy Riddles! PS : Download the game here : visit the official website :

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