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  • Manny IK

Infinity Kingdom | KVK - Massive War

Updated: Dec 24, 2021

Hello there, Manny here! Up to this point our KvK was a bit stale, mostly consisting in taking cities/gates and prepare for the middle zone to open. Our KVK was pretty diplomatic, until the gates opened and the fight for the center started. It was brutal!

I can say that as a low-spender, I wasn't prepared (in terms of power and resources).

The casualties are massive. If you are unbubbled, your prosperity goes down like a rock jumping off a plane without a parachute. Even just joining rallies and city defences drains your troops in a heart beat. Among the chaos, the lag, the never ending lines of marches walking around the battlefield, it gets really messy...

The scale is just nothing like we've seen so far. I'll try to describe in images the scale of it as best as I can , but screenshots can't portrait what happened at reset :) Big hug to Fang, EGO, IW, WTD, GRUJ, RMP, AOS - it was a blood bath! (ps : sorry if i left anyone out)!

This is a "collage" I made to try and show just how many castles were surrounding the city. Sorry for the bad quality, but in the heat of battle it was hard capturing the moment!

As you can see there were players everywhere! North, south, east, west, everything was surrounded. Rallies coming in from the left, the right! People getting sandwiched, other lone wolves doing some sneaky hits! It was just massive!

Here are some rally reports :

A small demonstration of what some players spent during this war:

At the end of the first fight, and currently, Server 26 (Fang + EGO) were the winning party, taking control of the city.

It was fun, stressing, depressing and exciting - all at the same time. At the end of the day, a player like me with a 218k water march and a 161k fire march, made about 800k honor - at great expense of speedups, gems, resources. It was a nice experience, but frankly I'm not looking forward to repeat it as the playability wasn't the best and the cost of this type of war is just not sustainable for any F2P - Low Spender.

This is all for today! Happy KvK! :)

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