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  • Manny IK

Infinity Kingdom | Water Changes - Flexibility

Updated: Jan 1, 2022

Hello there, Manny here! For most people that don't invest much in the game you are pretty much limited to certain Immortals and certain marches. For a long time my flexibility was zero, now its like 0,1.

So, assuming you unlocked merlin, your water march will be pretty typical, right? Merlin and Yoshi in the back, with Attila and Harald rocking in the front.

If you have been playing for long enough, you start building a second team - probably fire. Wu, Ashoka(or Cyrus) in the back and then Hippo and William (or Fred).

Maybe you went for some other choices, like a Richard or a Gilgamesh. Who knows, but for you to be competitive without spending much, you will probably look something like the teams previously mentioned.

Then you probably focus on getting some of your main skills to 7 or 8 and maybe your secondary team's skills at like 4/5, and then eventually get it to 7. But this will take a while.

You just don't have the flexibility to adapt or to try out different things..Unless you spend a bit. So this is what I did. Considering I will never be able to get a Charles, a GK, etc, I decided to stick with the basics and invest in....Water! And here are my two investments to complete my Water team, add some flexibility and hopefuly some late game power.

Most water teams revolve around Merlin, even using Yoshi, a great damage dealer as a full support damage soaker for him. So why not actually try to get a support that has a support skill that enables Merlin even more? Still working on her, but I'm already seeing some results.

She provides so much value with her buff. Your frontline is extra tanky and there is the debuff with chill that can also enable the 50% extra damage on Merlins ability. Sick!

My Ramses is still miles away from being ready. However, I'm excited for him to join my lineup ASAP! Harald skill does some damage and reduces physical defence for the enemies he hits.. Huh? Water damage is mostly Magical! Why keep Harald? I'm certain Ramses will provide more survivability for your team, helping you get more casts and reducing the efectiveness of the enemy team damage dealers. On paper, he looks so much better for what I want my team to do.

I'm hoping that Dido and Ramses can improve my Water Team performance vs some of the end game compositions so that at least there is a chance to win :)

At the same time, I'll keep Yoshi and Harald for a second team, probably pairing them up with Hippo and Wu/Ashoka and use them as a boss killer team and even a 2nd Team in arena to finish weakened targets. So this adds some flexibility to my compositions, possibly even unlocking a potential 3rd team, in the long run. This is all for today!

Happy New Year everyone!

PS : Download the game here : visit the official website :

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